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PenAir Employees Partner with Area Seniors

PenAir is delighted to partner with the Council on Aging of West Florida for the fourth consecutive year through the Jeans for Communerosity® (J4C) program.

PenAir’s J4C program is an employee-driven fundraising effort, born from the dedication and passion for enhancing the lives of those in the communities where we live, work and serve. Each year, employees nominate and vote for like-minded local nonprofit organizations to champion over the course of a year. Selected charities receive a gift of $4,000, along with a commitment from the credit union’s 332 employees to serve the organization through volunteer opportunities supporting their missions. Funds are raised through payroll deductions, J4C days, and J4C t-shirt sales, then matched by PenAir.

“We at the Council on Aging of West Florida are incredibly grateful for the longstanding and continued support of PenAir Federal Credit Union,” says Council on Aging Marketing and Communications Director Emily Echevarria.

Council on Aging of West Florida is a local not-for-profit organization that serves 2,200 seniors and their families in Escambia and Santa Rosa County. Since 1972, COA has provided community based, in-home programs and services that assists seniors live healthy, safe and independent lives in their own familiar surroundings. You can learn more about the Council on Aging of West Florida at coawfla.org.

“This gift allows us to make a powerful impact on the lives of local aging adults through programs like Meals on Wheels, in-home care services, and our adult day care facility, The Retreat,” says Lauren Clark, Development Director for Council on Aging of West Florida.

  • The Meals on Wheels program offers two options for in-home meal assistances, Meals on Wheels and private-pay home delivered meals. In addition, COAWFLA also operate numerous senior dining sites throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties where individuals 60 and older (or accompanying a spouse 60 or older) can gather for meals, socialization and recreation.
  • The Retreat is a special place, and experience, that has been described as refreshing, supportive, fun, assuring, caring and heartwarming by those who participate and their families. It is a place that provides a positive change of environment that can be beneficial to participants and caregivers.
  • Their social services department serves as a link between our clients and the community resources that make independent living possible. Through careful assessment of the needs and environment of our clients, COAWFLA ensure that they are getting the best available services. Case Management, Community Care Closet and In-home Services are just a few of the programs this department provides.

Beyond the check, the J4C program was created as a way for the company to collectively serve our communities, which includes the gift of time. In that spirit, each PenAir employee receives 5 hours of paid time per month to volunteer during working hours with the organization of their choice.

Typically, PenAir team members volunteer with COAWFLA’s Senior Chill Out, an annual event aimed at blessing the seniors in our lives who don’t have air conditioning with an AC and a fan. The community can help by purchasing an AC and/or fan at any Lowe’s location in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties or donating through their event fundraiser. This wonderful event is usually held in May. Stay connected with COAWFLA’s Facebook page for upcoming details on how to become involved in this community wide event.

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