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NOW- The Miller Family: A Shift in Perspective

In the final stretch, the Millers are spent! See how they gained a new perspective on celebrating the holidays in 2020.

“It’s amazing how much your attitude can change with a little shift in perspective.”

A family of three pose for a photo.

We’re in the final stretch of the NOW Program, and all I wanted to do over the holidays was SPEND MONEY! Call it the “quarantine blues”, but I was just in a funk. And the best way I knew to defeat those blues was to shop, and party, and eat (i.e. spend money).

I wanted to buy Christmas decorations and really go to town decorating our house this year.

I wanted to host Friendsgiving with a giant turkey and all the fixings and an elaborate table setting.

I wanted to Christmas shop and see all those cutely wrapped packages under the tree.

And I wanted to get the heck out of dodge and plan a winter break getaway.

But… sigh… we had to keep our eyes on the prize. And thankfully, we were able to practice a little restraint.

We put up the same old tree and the same old decorations – which feels good because they have sentimental value anyway.

We asked our friends to have a potluck – I had been craving my friend’s famous mac and cheese again anyhow.

We even used my Christmas bonus as our Christmas budget for this year and committed to not overspend – a good reminder that it’s the thought the counts and we value people and Jesus over things.

We held off on booking that winter get away… but hey 2021 might be the year for a great vacation…maybe we’ll plan a celebratory trip if we finish strong!

It’s amazing how much your attitude can change with a little shift in perspective.

The Miller’s

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