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NOW- The Miller Family: Practicing Faith & Finances

The Miller family revs up on faith and finances. See how they navigate the start of Ashleigh's transition to college.

Faith & Finances

A family of three pose for a photo with their financial advisor

Let’s rewind to our very first meeting with our financial advisor, Jennifer… we were reviewing our family budget and had given Jennifer full authority to pick it apart and redirect our money – with one exception, we are tithers and would continue to give to our church – No. Matter. What.

I had been worried that Jennifer would see the amount we were giving monthly and would see that as a lost opportunity for us to save or pay down debt. But Jennifer didn’t see it that way. She understood the principle of tithing. And we felt that if we stopped giving, that God would remove His hand of protection and blessing from that area of our lives – and if we are going to win this contest, we would need THAT blessing.

And now, fast forward to December, faith and finances have continued to intersect.

As I’m writing this, it’s December 1st and it’s the deadline for Ashleigh to submit her merit scholarship application to Huntingdon College. Our family has made the decision to fast and pray until she hears back from the scholarship committee. In a “fast” you give up something and refocus your attention from that thing to Jesus. We decided since Ashleigh’s decision to attend Huntingdon affects us financially, we should likewise fast and give up things that also affect us financially – and those things for us are eating out and enjoying an adult beverage or two throughout the week.

To accompany our fast, we have a prayer list which includes:

  1. Whatever God’s will is
  2. That Ashleigh would have favor with the scholarship committee
  3. A quick decision
  4. To financially close the gap between the cost of college and what we can afford
  5. Steadfastness throughout the fast
  6. A college decision that will honor God
  7. To prepare our hearts, minds, and home for her transition to college

So, here we are on day one of our prayer and fasting and believing God for a financial miracle. Well, if you’re a person of faith like we are, you’ll understand when I say, “Ain’t it just like God!?” Within the last couple of hours – and in just the first day of us walking in obedience in our fast – I found out that I’d be receiving a bonus in a couple of weeks and a nice little side job has presented itself to me (see prayer number 4).

Ain’t it just like God!?

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