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NOW- The Manson Family: When Unexpected Expenses Arise

Nothing deflates your momentum quite like unexpected expenses on your journey to financial freedom. Regrouping is the name of this month's game.

Two young girls stand together and pose for a photo

When Unexpected Expenses AriseJuly was a good month with paying off small credit cards and putting money in savings, but August wasn’t as good for us. We ran into some unexpected expenses. Our truck needed major repairs and set us back (to the tune of $2,700). We did not see that one coming.

On a positive note, the girls are really stepping up! Gillian and Rowan are starting to do more with making some spending money on their own which is nice to see. Rowan has joined a babysitting club to make money for impact club at school. Gillian wanted to do fall ball this season and did not have the money to register. She came up with idea of working for her grandmother on Saturdays to earn the money. That is working very well.

Andrea has found a place for us to do some volunteering come September, which will be fun to get involved and serve our community. This will be a great family activity. More to come on this later.

In the meantime, we are trying to regroup and keep looking forward. Nothing will stop #TEAMMANSON.


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