NOW 2022 – Jack: Budgeting, Balance & Responsibility
Life comes in waves. For every peak, there is a valley. And we've been struggling to find our way past these unexpected challenges. Budgeting has been key.

We have been reminded this effort is a marathon and certainly not a sprint.
Try as we might, we’ve struggled to keep the pace we had, while Laura changed jobs. Operating on a shoestring budget and with odd jobs for Laura, keeping ourselves afloat until early October.
As focused as Laura and I are, a couple steps back has made determination the watch word.Getting back on track is paramount and we will. Right around the corner is Christmas and the shopping season. We will attempt to balance the excesses with responsibility.
As we have stated before; the tools NOW and Amber have provided, give us a very clear picture of the parameters we have to maintain. Definitely makes it easier to stay the course.
Hopefully, by the next blog entry we can report the track has stabilized, motivation is still very high and demonstrate the positive effects.
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