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Progress over Perfection For The Wootons

Making progress through the knowledge & financial advice we have received thus far. Challenges are ahead, but we're rootin' for #TeamWooton

You will never see the end, if you give up in the middle ~ Joyce Meyer

A family of four walking with their dog

We’re halfway into our third month – making progress and feeling fantastic! The knowledge & financial advice we have been given thus far is really starting to pay off. We are seeing huge progress in our debt consolidation; our savings accounts are increasing, and our retirement goals have been laid out & plans put into action. Our only regret is that we did not do this sooner!!!

The upcoming months bring holidays, birthdays & now we’ve incorporated baseball & soccer seasons, all of which will make saving and staying in budget a little more difficult. Those late nights at the ballpark are challenging. Couple that with my husband’s love for Halloween decorating & my overspending on birthdays & Christmas… these are going to be big obstacles for us.

Progress Over PerfectionWhen discussing these concerns with our financial advisor, Katelyn suggested we increase our payroll commitment to our retirement plan aka automatic savings transfer. That way, we never really see that money & are less likely to spend more than we should. Together, we have set up some responsible financial rules & we will be reminding each other to NOT BREAK those rules. (Tip taken from the PenAir Voice on Financial Fitness)

This month also brought to close our Communerosity® drive for Gulf Coast Kids House. Our boys worked so hard collecting donations & working their lemonade stand. Hayden (3 years old) donated MOST of his toys to the cause & Hunter (6 years old) contributed $100 of his own money. Thanks to the help of Beulah Free Will Baptist Church, Cantonment Mercantile, friends & family, we were able to present a truck load full of supplies along with $550 in donations collected/earned through the lemonade stand. PenAir surprised us all by also matching our donation up to $500 for a grand total of $1,050 for Gulf Coast Kids House! It was such a good feeling to watch our boy’s so excited to help others in need.


Wooton FamilyOur family appreciates all the support, prayers, encouragement & well wishes we have received throughout this process. Keep sharing our story & be sure to #TeamWooton and/or #PenAirNow! Help cheer us on to the grand finale!

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