Financial Fitness in Twelve Months
As the glitter from the holidays gives way to financial regret, the time has come to vow yet again not to overspend. Welcome to Twelve Months to Financial Fitness. You’ll find topics to explore each month, geared toward getting your finances in order.
JANUARY— Analyze Spending
Come the new year, it’s time to take a look at spending habits and cut out any unnecessary spending. Learn how to tell what is essential, what is discretionary, and what you could actually do without.
FEBRUARY— Create a Budget
You know you need a budget, but how do you make one that works and you can stick to? This month will tell you step-by-step how to do just that.
Did you know that PenAir has resources to help create budgets? Click here to take advantage of our on-line calculator. Financial Advisors are also available to assist with big picture expenses and getting you set toward your financial goals.
MARCH— Tax Preparation
With tax deadlines right around the corner, we want to start thinking about how to handle tax preparation with ease. Whether you are preparing your taxes yourself, or with a professional, there are certain tax issues to be mindful of to maximize your return and/or limit your tax bill.
Meet with a Financial Coach
Change the way you think about your financial future.

APRIL— Pay Down Credit Cards
Getting consumer debt under control is hard, but doable. This month we want you to look at straightforward, practical ways to pay down your credit cards. Read up on some of the additional posts under the Financial Fitness tab for “How to Manage Your Finances Through the Years” or “Defeating Credit Card Debt”.
MAY— Make A Will
Do you have a will? Many people don’t. Learn why a will is an important step to protect your assets for loved ones in the event of your death. Let PenAir’s Asset Management team help plan your estate.
JUNE— Collect (And Protect) Personal Documents
If you are like most people, legal documents, tax records, passports, etc. are kept haphazardly. Take the time to have all your important documents on hand, in one place, in case of an emergency, and learn how to secure those documents against theft and natural disaster.
JULY— Budgeting For The Holidays
By this point, you’ll be half-way through your new financial revamp. Now is the time to start saving and budgeting for the holidays. The last thing you want is to undo your hard work by not being financially prepared for the upcoming holiday season!
Utilizing PenAir’s Christmas Club or Round it programs are a great start to saving for the holidays. Find out more information on our website under Savings!
AUGUST— Entertaining At Home
We challenge you to go an entire month staying in. By relaxing and entertaining at home rather than going out, you could save hundreds just in one month!
SEPTEMBER— Shop Smarter
As the cost of goods goes up, are you making the best purchasing options available? Learn how to cut down on monthly costs by bargain hunting, cutting coupons, and price comparing.
OCTOBER— Re-Evaluate Retirement
Are you on track for retirement? Do you know where to look? Let PenAir’s Asset Management team help you figure out if your current retirement plan is everything you will need it to be when retirement comes, and if not, how to start a plan to get there.
NOVEMBER— Clear Out The Clutter
This month will focus on making room for the holidays by clearing out the clutter. Plus, you can make some last-minute cash for the holidays!
DECEMBER— Review Your Year
Now it’s been twelve months and a new year is around the bend. Did you complete the challenges? We will help you look at how far you come and set goals for the next twelve months. Just imagine where your finances can be with consistency and focus following these Twelve Months to Financial Fitness!
Next Steps
There are many resources available from PenAir to help you take steps to securing your financial future. Here are just a few: